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Celebrating 50 years of Fabulous

Diana Dalton • Jan 21, 2024

50 Facts from 50 Fabulous Years

In no particular order, here are some Truths I have learned:

1. The good old days are happening right now
2. Whatever you practice grows stronger. Practice wisely
3. Lighten up, Francis
4. Love is the default
5. Drop the hate
6. Laugh a lot
7. Never interfere with someone else’s process- it’s above your pay grade.
8. Children are the orgasm of life (you didn’t know how good until you experienced it!)
9. Dance like no one is watching
10. Don’t care so much about what other people THINK…
11. be yourself & love yourself
12. life is too short to spend time with people you don't like
13. Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
14. Enjoy the ride
15. you always have a choice. Choose not to be a jerk
16. every tear you shed empties the well of sadness
17. let it go
18. forgive
19. don’t sweat the small stuff- unless the small stuff are details, then pay close attention because the devil is in there.
20. treat others the way you want to be treated
21. we often accuse others of what we are most guilty of ourselves!
22. be on time- which means be early. Yes, even if you live in Miami
23. live and let live
24. don’t worry, be happy
25. some people come into your life for a reason, some for a season, some for a lifetime.
26. it takes all kinds to make the world go ‘round
27. the best way to feel happy is to help others
28. listen to your gut
29. don’t overlook all the good in your life- see the magic, be grateful for the tailwinds pushing you along
30. we are here to learn, learn something new everyday
31. take care of yourself so you can shine your light and be of service to others
32. be weird
33. eat your veggies
34. strive for 7 hugs per day
35. exercise (do squats, planks & hang daily)
36. everything in moderation, including moderation
37. live with intention
38. make a vision board
39. yes you have the power to manifest your own reality
40. respect others- don’t judge
41. educate yourself
42. be a good citizen
43. be generous
44. shop local
45. do yoga (move your body)
46. get enough sleep
47. be a good listener
48. floss your teeth
49. your pain is your guru
50. believe in yourself

Jan 21 is National Hugging Day!

I’m honored to share my birthday with such an important national holiday. Please join me in hugging it out extra hard today!

Hugs reduce stress and increase happiness. We feel closer to others and happier with ourselves.

Remember touch is essential and there is no substitution for a great big hug! As author and family therapist Virginia Satir once said, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth”.

Hugs release oxytocin, which is often called the “love hormone”. It's released when we cuddle or bond. It's the reason why being hugged feels so good. So when you're feeling down, give someone a squeeze and feel your mood lift.

Until next time, sending peace, love & pancakes,


Iyengar Yoga at Inner Balance Studio

Tuesdays & Thursdays

11-12:15 zoom & in studio

Iyengar Yoga Basics


10:30-11:30 in studio

Iyengar Yoga

Sign up

Iyengar Yoga from YogaRosa

2 zoom opportunities at YogaRosa this month!

Monday February 16 & 25 at 10am

Grab your props (blocks, blankets, bolsters or cushions, strap and a chair) and set up near a wall. Join me for Iyengar Yoga fun to start the week right! Everyone is welcome- you can do the whole class with a chair if you want. Come see how this practice meets you where you are <3

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Wishing you and your loved ones joy, good health and peace!
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